Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)

The Clery Act recognizes certain college officials and offices as Campus Safety Authorities (CSAs). The Act defines these individuals as “An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings. An official is defined as a person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.”

While reporting crimes promptly to Community Safety and/or the Portland Police is the preference of the college, 91²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ has multiple other preferred CSA positions and offices to which crimes can be reported. This is a current list of 91²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ's preferred CSAs as of June 2023.  

91²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Preferred CSAs - June 2023
All Deans, Associate Deans, and Assistant Deans
Associate to the Vice President & Dean of Admission & Financial Aid Kat Buckspan kbuckspan@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Admission Dev Devvrat devvrat@reed.edu
Assistant Dean of Admission Communications Zoë S. Ballering balleriz@reed.edu
Assistant Dean of Admission Visits Rachel Cosca-Warfield rachelcw@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Admission Grant Sewell gsewell@reed.edu
Director of Admission Lindsey Hoyt lhoyt@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Admission Communications Bridget Bimrose bbridget@reed.edu
Assistant Dean of Admission Duncan King dunking@reed.edu
Assistant Dean of Admission Marissa Seiler mseiler@reed.edu
Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Milyon Trulove trulove@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Students/Director of CLBR Alice Harra harraa@reed.edu
Associate to the Dean of the Faculty Jolina Kwong Caputo jolina@reed.edu
Dean of the Faculty Kathy Oleson koleson@reed.edu
Associate Dean for Institutional Diversity Jessika Chi chij@reed.edu
Assistant Dean of Admission Gabri Marie LaFratta lafrattg@reed.edu
Associate Dean for Instituational Diversity Jennifer Whetham jwhetham@reed.edu
Senior Assistant Dean of Admission Operations Scott Hoback hobacks@reed.edu
Special Assistant to the VP and Dean of Admission Tessa Verbal tesverbal@reed.edu
Vice President and Dean for Institutional Diversity Phyllis Esposito espositop@reed.edu
Dean of Students Tawana Parks tawanap@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Students for Academic Life Steve Abrahão sabrahao@reed.edu
Vice President of Student Life Karnell McConnell-Black kblack@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Students for Health & Wellbeing Yasodha Gopal ygopal@reed.edu
Assistant Dean for Student Rights and Responsibilities Cameron Tanner tannerc@reed.edu
Associate Dean for Student and Campus Life Claudia Ramirez Islas ramirezc@reed.edu
Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator(s)
Title IX and 504 Coordinator Christopher Toutain toutainc@reed.edu
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for faculty/ Dean of the Faculty Kathy Oleson koleson@reed.edu
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for staff Heather Quinn-Barron quinnbarron@reed.edu
Staff and Faculty Sexual Misconduct Board (TNB) members
TNB member (staff) Claudia Ramirez Islas ramirezc@reed.edu
TNB member (staff) Cameron Tanner tannerc@reed.edu
TNB member (faculty) Lucas Illing Illing@reed.edu
Healthy Relationships Program Director
SHARE program director Rowan Frost frostr@reed.edu
Advisors to the Judicial Board
TNB member (staff) Claudia Ramirez Islas ramirezc@reed.edu
TNB member (staff) Cameron Tanner tannerc@reed.edu
TNB member (faculty) Lucas Illing Illing@reed.edu
Staff and Faculty Advisors to the Honor Council 
HC member - Faculty Kristin Scheible scheiblk@reed.edu
HC member - Faculty Lucia Martinez Valdivia martinel@reed.edu
HC member - Faculty Mark Beck beckm@reed.edu
HC member - Staff Cameron Tanner tannerc@reed.edu
HC member - Staff Steve Abrahao sabrahao@reed.edu
HC member - Staff Maria Granados granadosm@reed.edu
Staff and Faculty Alcohol and Other Drug Review Panel
co-chair Will Symms symmsw@reed.edu
AOD Committee
staff - chair Gary Granger grangerg@reed.edu
faculty Alexei Ditter dittera@reed.edu
faculty Michael Foat mfoat@reed.edu
faculty David Garrett garrettd@reed.edu
faculty Kathy Oleson koleson@reed.edu
staff Karnell McConnell-Black kblack@reed.edu
staff Tawana Parks tawanap@reed.edu
staff Johanna Workman workmanj@reed.edu
staff Timothie Rochon trochon@reed.edu
staff Mike Tamada tamadam@reed.edu
Appeals Board
Appeals board - chair Nigel Nicholson nnichols@reed.edu
Appeals board - faculty Marat Grinberg grinbergm@reed.edu
Appeals board - faculty Laura Leibman leibman@reed.edu
Appeals board - faculty Lucia Martinez Valdivia martinel@reed.edu
Appeals board - faculty Pancho Savery saveryp@reed.edu
Nuclear Reactor staff
Nuclear Reactor Staff Jerry Newhouse jnewhouse@reed.edu
Nuclear Reactor Staff Toria Ellis ellisv@reed.edu
President’s Office Professional Staff
President Audrey Bilger abilger@reed.edu
Executive Assistant to the President Dawn G. Thompson dthomp@reed.edu
Associate to the President and Manager of Special Projects Liz Colie Gadberry egadberry@reed.edu
Dean of Students Office (Student Life Office)
VP for Student Life Karnell McConnell-Black kblack@reed.edu
Associate to the VP for Student Life Cathy Carrington ccarrington@reed.edu
Dean of Students Tawana Parks tawanap@reed.edu
Residence Life
Director of Residence Life for Housing Vanessa Guerrero vguerrero@reed.edu
Director of Residence Life for Residential Education Leo Cruz


Area Coordinator Sarahina Borgia borgias@reed.edu
Area Coordinator Andrew Williamson wandrew@reed.edu
Area Coordinator Destinee Nelons dnelons@reed.edu
Area Coordinator Megan Simón simonmeg@reed.edu
Office for Student Engagement
Director for the Office of Student Engagement Janice Yang yjanice@reed.edu
Program Coordinator Amanda French afrench@reed.edu
Program Coordinator Sabrina Murray start date 6/5/23
Operations Coordinator Fatima Preciado Mendoza pftima@reed.edu
Physical Education
Administrative Coordinator Todd McCormack mccormat@reed.edu
Assistant Director of Athletics, Fitness and Outdoor Programs Will Symms symmsw@reed.edu
Director of Athletics, Fitness and Outdoor Programs Michael Lombardo lombardm@reed.edu
Ski Cabin Manager
Ski Cabin Manager Eric Kallio kallioe@reed.edu
Admissions staff responsible for overseeing events involving prospective students
Admission Events Coordinator
Associate for the Vice President & Dean of Admission & Fin. Aid Kat Buckspan kbuckspan@reed.edu
Admission Fellow Arielle Sherback sherbaka@reed.edu
Admission Fellow Alex Harris aleharris@reed.edu
Study Abroad Coordinator
Director of International Programs Alberto del Río Malo adelrio@reed.edu
Health & Counseling Center Director
Medical Services Director Timmie Rochon trochon@reed.edu
All Human Resources Staff
Human Resources Director Heather Quinn-Barron quinnbarron@reed.edu
Human Resources Coordinator María Granados granadosm@reed.edu
Human Resources partner Deena Hofstad hofstadd@reed.edu
Compensation & HR Business Systems Analyst Leslie White lwhite@reed.edu
Assistant Director of Human Resources Cypress Williams cypress@reed.edu
Other staff or faculty positions directly overseeing student groups or interacting in a CSA capacity
Faculty administrative coordinator Meg Andrews andrewsm@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Adam Aristo aadam@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Kristy Gonyer gonyerk@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Anne Ha anneha@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Kayla Johnston johnstonk@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Joan Meyer jmeyer@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Lisa Mickola mickola@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Julie Shannon shannonj@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Darcy Tanner tdarcy@reed.edu
Faculty administrative coordinator Charlie Wilcox cwilcox@reed.edu
Community Safety staff
Director of Community Safety Gary Granger grangerg@reed.edu
Community Safety Manager Dhyana Westfall dwestfall@reed.edu
Community Safety Manager Ian Hayes ianhayes@reed.edu
Community Safety Manager Christo Potgieter chpotgiet@reed.edu
Community Safety Administrative Coordinator Kathy Silke silkek@reed.edu
CSO Emily Adair emilya@reed.edu
CSO Bryan Blount blountb@reed.edu
CSO Patrick Byrne pbyrne@reed.edu
CSO Bill Cate cateb@reed.edu
CSO Shawn Evans shawne@reed.edu
Dispatcher Rick Fagerstrom fagerstr@reed.edu
CSO Rob Giovanetti giovanr@reed.edu
CSO Christin Grieser grieser@reed.edu
CSO John Mathot jmathot@reed.edu
Dispatcher Cassie Thurston-Bianchi thurstoc@reed.edu
Dispatcher Cindy Begg buttercy@reed.edu
Dispatcher Dave Wilson dwilson@reed.edu
CSO Joshua Morrow jmorrow@reed.edu
CSO Shawn Nutting shawnn@reed.edu
CSO Michael Zocchi mzocchi@reed.edu
Program Director Shishei Tsang tsangs@reed.edu
Center for Life Beyond 91²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ (CLBR)
Assistant Director, Advising Marwa Salah Al Khamees alkhameesm@reed.edu
Associate Dean of Students/Director of CLBR Alice Harra harraa@reed.edu
Assistant Director, Advising Shania Siron sirons@reed.edu
Assistant Director, Advising Hayden Todd haydent@reed.edu
Student & Campus Life (miscellaneous positions)
Director of Student Support Luis Giraldo gluis@reed.edu
Student Advisors
Director of Academic Support Christy Martin cmartin@reed.edu
ISS Program Director Gwen Sanford sandfordg@reed.edu
Director of Disability and Accessibility Resources Jess Gibson gibsonj@reed.edu